Dirty dancing with the devil

I just prayed for the lord to remove all the demons. Their are so so so many. Hovering over me. Stirring the pot. Spreading their doom. Demons I battle with hidden and in plain sight. Obsession… demon. Spirit of laziness… demon . Procrastination… demon. deceitful ways.. demon. Lying. Demon —- even if you lie to protect the heart. Letting life pass you by… all demonic spirits I’ve fed over the coarse of my life. Demons I tip toe in the shadows with when no one is around. Demons that lingered on well after the depression. Is that how they get you? Is that the real industrial prison complex? Go toe to toe with your demons and if you don’t knock them the fuck out… you join them? Or they join you ? Is that why we search for GOD, search for peace, search for understanding because we can’t seem to shake the inability to change.. we can’t seem to shake what that thing is that we internalize that has caused us to be emotionally paralyzed that always seems to put us right back there.. demons of the past. I’ve got to get passed it. Past them.. pass them.

Quay Wilson